
Packed Screenings in Milan and Bologna!
Chicago Premiere at the Midwest Independent Film Festival
Swee’  Pea Classic
Lloyd was a Triple Threat.  Here are four consecutive trips down the court while making a comeback in 1991.  He’s slowed by bullets, but still has a Midas touch.   *the third play is vintage Swee’ Pea. – music: Phil Quinaz, footage: courtesy Mark Argenziano
We’re psyched to announce our distribution deal with Saboteur Media!  Stay Tuned for a March 9th release!
We’re psyched to announce the awards we’ve won on the festival circuit.  We hope you enjoy the film as much as the critics! 
Director Benjamin May (left) won Best Director at the beautifully curated Victoria TX Indy Film Festival #VTXIFF!  To the right is producer Daniel B Levin.  
WE ARE FUNDED! We made our target! We’ve raised over 50k for our film. Thank you so much to everyone who pledged, shared, tweeted, liked!! But, the campaign isn’t over yet! It ends tomorrow at 12 noon CST. If you haven’t pledged yet, do so now because nothing is set in stone until the campaign...
Awesome half-time report about Swee’ Pea’s comeback. Please help us finish this film. Pledge now by CLICKING HERE !!  
Ron Naclerio on what young Swee’ Pea was like to coach. Please this campaign. We need to make our target or we lose everything and we have only 6 days! It takes less than sixty seconds. CLICK HERE 
Michael Rapaport, who we bumped into at a game Lloyd was coaching, tells it like it is. Please make pledge now to our Kickstarter campaign! CLICK HERE http://vimeo.com/album/2822842/video/88580908
In yesterday’s video, you saw Swee’ Pea coaching at Barclays. This is another day, pre-game, where he expresses frustration with some of them, the ones who are overrated basketball players and think they’re too cool for school. In Lloyd Daniels’s day, it wasn’t like that. Back then, legends were legends. Tom Konchalski and Keith Glass,...
Sunday Night.
A funny thing happened on Sunday night. But first, some background. Dan Levin is The Legend of Swee’ Pea’s DP and producer. His first film was Captured, a documentary about Clayton Patterson and his extensive documentation of Lower East Side culture and happenings from 1979 to the present day. Clayton has the kind of footage...
Vegas at Night
Our footage of Swee’ Pea strolling down the strip in Las Vegas is cool. The only problem was making it look natural. Unfortunately, when you’re a weird-looking 6 foot 7 dude, you get a lot of people stopping in their tracks with their mouths hanging open. I mean, look at this scene. This is Las...
Kelsey Kuno’s sketch of young Swee’ Pea at his court hearing. Scroll down to Friday’s post to see the 1987 video footage. And remember: if you kick in $75 or more to our KICKSTARTER campaign, you will get a print of an animated scene of your choice! ART2OWN + SWEE’ PEA + MAKE A MOVIE...
“The Hole,” Brownsville. When we went here with Swee’ Pea, he said that back in the day you would never, ever have seen it empty. Check out our trailer on Kickstarter in which Swee’ Pea and his uncle Gary say, “If you wasn’t from here, and you won, you couldn’t get outta here!” We have...
We took Swee’ Pea to Las Vegas to film him in the place where his career was brought to a sudden stop (getting busted in a crack house by police will do that to ya). But most importantly, we brought him to Las Vegas to film his reunion with Jerry Tarkanian. Tark is a rare...
I love this sketch of Swee’ Pea that our animator, the epically talented Kelsey Kuno, did! It perfectly captures Swee’ Pea’s struggle with the dark side. Bugs Bunny it is not! In the artist’s words: “Lloyd Daniels has an almost ethereal quality in the way that he moves on the court. There is no doubt...